LAFCO Regional Planning
LAFCO is seeking to develop a regional strategy for growth in the County through a planning effort with partners and cities.
HOA Grazing Resilience Planning and Implementation
Develop and pilot a replicable process and framework for developing wildfire resilience plans for housing developments in high fire risk areas.
Regional Capacity for Lompoc for Resilience Projects
Establish a partnership in Lompoc for resilience related projects and begin building partner capacity to plan, coordinate …
Interactive Partner Directory: Santa Barbara County Wildfire Resilience Players
There are many people, organizations and agencies working in the fire readiness and climate resilience fields here in Santa Barbara County, but even professionals dedicated to wildfire prevention in the county are not necessarily aware of and connected to everyone else doing this work.
Create an Interactive Map of All Recommended Wildfire Resilience Projects
This opportunity matrix is a useful compendium of priority projects, but it is presented in table form, as project descriptions on the website.
Funding for Defensible Space Assistance
While county residents generally have a high level of awareness of fire risk and high compliance with risk reduction recommendations and requirements, some community members are unable …
Countywide GIS Public-Private Partnership
Many agencies and community based organizations maintain GIS data for internal purposes and needs. As a result, there are multiple specialized systems for particular needs and redundant technical capacity.
Addressing WUI Wildfire Buffer Gaps
The communities throughout Santa Barbara County have varying degrees of wildfire buffer along their WUI edges. Goleta benefits from significant portions of its WUI edged by irrigated orchards
San Antonio Creek Community Defensible Space Project
In June 2021, the Santa Barbara County Fire Department received funding from the State Coastal Conservancy to implement a community defensible space project in the San Antonio Creek area foothills.
Project Fundraising, Management and Collaboration Facilitation Capacity
Building resilience will require implementing the projects listed in the RPP, and doing so requires additional capacity to catalyze partnerships, further project planning, prepare compelling grant proposals, and successfully managing projects.
Countywide Fine Resolution LIDAR Data
There is a long term need to acquire Santa Barbara County wide, cross jurisdictional, LIDAR data in addition to the periodic orthographic overflights that are undertaken for aerial mosaic mapping product needs.
Home Hardening Fund Communities in high fire risk portions of the WUI are top priority places to support home hardening and emergency preparedness.
There is a need to help homeowners prepare their homes for wildfire across the county, particularly those in more vulnerable areas and those who lack resources or know how.
Campsite Fire Buffers on Paradise Road and Other Recreational Areas Throughout the County
Paradise Road and other public land recreation areas throughout the County are highly visited community resources utilized by all income levels. These areas often include fire pits, grills and picnic areas where…
Prescribed Grazing: Capacity Building - Growing Regional Prescribed Grazing Capacity
A parallel effort to the countywide planning effort is to engage existing prescribed grazing contractors and potential new entrants to assess existing capacity and understand…