Home Hardening Fund Communities in high fire risk portions of the WUI are top priority places to support home hardening and emergency preparedness.

There is a need to help homeowners prepare their homes for wildfire across the county, particularly those in more vulnerable areas and those who lack resources or know how. Doing so will require outreach efforts, incentive programs and funding mechanisms for implementation. Currently, the only fire agency in the County that has funds available for home hardening is the Montecito Fire Department, which set aside funds from their Fire Defense Zone Budget and initiated a Home Hardening Assistance/Installation Program. Each applicant’s parcel is evaluated by the Montecito Fire Department and priority is given to the homes determined most at risk of being adversely impacted by a future wildfire. While the Montecito Fire Department has a large tax pool to support such a fund, Santa Barbara County Fire does not have funding available or a program in place. We recommend a countywide program and fund akin to the program Montecito offers. Applications should be evaluated to prioritize homes in high fire risk areas (as shown in the RPP spatial analyses in the Maps section of the website) and homeowners in need of financial or technical assistance to complete home hardening actions.

A portion of a recent grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to the California Fire Safe Council for the "Regional Wildfire Mitigation Program" is being administered by SIG-NAL to implement a "Built Environment Domain Initiative". Their goal is to better understand home hardening needs and link funding opportunities for structure hardening and properties where this work would be most impactful. A "Structural Hardening Portal" is currently being developed by the Fire Safe Council of Santa Barbara that will identify how to harden your home, which areas of home should be prioritized, and other aspects, such as information on defensible space around the home. Additionally, it is anticipated that State or Federal funding sources will potentially be available soon to those homeowners who may require assistance with home hardening. A form will be available on the portal to begin the process to apply for funds once the money is available, and will depend on myriad factors, such as lack of available funds, physical limitations, etc.

Status: Partially Funded (The portal being prepared by the FSC will identify funding and connect homeowners who need assistance once it is available.)

Cost: Medium

Partners: Santa Barbara Fire Safe Council, Regional Wildfire Mitigation Program

Permitting: Home hardening improvements need to be assessed on a case by case basis and may require building permits from the County of Santa Barbara. Home hardening can consist of minor improvements to help reduce fire risk, but more intensive repairs, such as replacing roofing, would require building permits.

Funding Sources:

Additional Notes: LOWER PRIORITY for more urbanized areas, Burton Mesa/Mission Hills, New Cuyama, Tepusquet Canyon should be considered for north county. Needs to be developed and funded.


Wildfire Literacy Education: Capacity and Funding for Preparedness Education


Volunteer Mobilization, Organizing and Coordination Capacity