Funding for Defensible Space Assistance

While county residents generally have a high level of awareness of fire risk and high compliance with risk reduction recommendations and requirements, some community members are unable to implement the recommendations due to physical or financial constraints. County fire personnel shared stories of elderly individuals who have aged in place and are living on social security and are no longer able to undertake the physical labor required to clear defensible space on their properties and can't afford to pay a contractor to do so. The Regional Priority Plan team recommends developing ways for fire agencies to provide financial assistance to community members with these kinds of financial constraints in WUI neighborhoods. Identification of known households with special needs should be part of the Neighborhood Organizing efforts and during Wildfire Literacy Education initiatives. This program could work in conjunction with Neighborhood Chipping Programs and Roadside Vegetation Management, where contractors are already deployed in an area.

Status: Partially Funded

Cost: High


Permitting: None

Funding Sources: Potential funding sources include Cal Fire

Additional Notes: County does 14,000 inspections annually and it is rare that people don't implement the required action to meet defensible space. However, additional capacity is needed to address county-wide needs.


Regional Lompoc Valley Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)


City of Guadalupe LeRoy Park Fuel Reduction