Regional Lompoc Valley Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)

The Lompoc region has been identified as a high priority for fire prevention activities by the modeling completed by the RPP team but the region lacks a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). The fire marshal for the City of Lompoc (Dena Paschke) has expressed an interest in having a CWPP prepared, however, grant support and other assistance are needed to move this forward and build capacity for implementation measures once a CWPP is completed. SBCFD recommends undertaking a regional CWPP encompassing Burton Mesa, LaSalle Canyon, Miguelito Canyon and surrounding areas. These communities have a high proportion of vulnerable community members and thus are priorities for planning and prevention measures. Two potential avenues for creating a CWPP for Lompoc have emerged since the RPP was prepared: the County of Santa Barbara may spearhead a grant through the California Climate Collaborative Grant process, and if that effort is not funded, the Fire Safe Council will likely prioritize this CWPP as their next plan for SB County and would fund it through CalFire grants that would need to be requested during the subsequent grant cycle.

Status: In Progress (Fire Safe Council has secured finding and is will launch in Spring 2024)

Cost: Medium

Partners: City of Lompoc, Lompoc Fire Department, Santa Barbara Fire Safe Council

Permitting: A CWPP itself is a policy guidance document and does not trigger CEQA. Some projects proposed in the CWPP will trigger CEQA and will thus be required to assess any environmental impacts and will require coordination with CDFW/USFWS if listed species or ESH are present. Other permitting may be required, dependent on recommendations contained within the CWPP.

Funding Sources: Fire Prevention Grant Cycle

Additional Notes: This is an important and needed CWPP as Lompoc and the surrounding areas are considered vulnerable and high risk for fire.


Lompoc Fire Station Upgrades


Funding for Defensible Space Assistance