City of Guadalupe LeRoy Park Fuel Reduction

Guadalupe City leaders noted that an area next to Leroy Park and adjacent to the Santa Maria River is considered a high fire risk to nearby vulnerable population concentrations. The area has a concentration of flammable non-native vegetation that poses risk to Guadalupe residents nearby. Mapping and treatment options should be considered for this specific area to reduce the risk of fire ignition or spread that would threaten these communities and the City overall.

Status: Seeking Funding

Cost: Low


Permitting: This project may require a PSA (Project Specific Analysis) under the California VTP's CEQA programmatic document. CEQA would be required, and coordination with CDFW/USFWS (if a federally listed species present) may be needed to assess potential impacts to ESH or species if work would be done in/near the Santa Maria river.

Funding Sources: State Fire Prevention funds, likely bundled with other projects in a larger application


Funding for Defensible Space Assistance


Roadside Vegetation Management