Parma Park Hazardous Fuels Mitigation Project
Parma Park is a City of Santa Barbara owned 200-acre open space park located within the extreme foothill zone of the high fire hazard area. The park is composed of twelve different vegetation communities. The native bigpod ceanothus chaparral community makes up a majority of the park space, followed by the coast live oak woodland and forest community.
Honda Valley Park Vegetation Management
Honda Valley Park is a City of Santa Barbara owned 48-acre open space park located within the coastal interior zone of the high fire hazard area. The park has diverse, dense vegetation along steep slopes and within canyons, as well as a heavy understory of invasive plants and thatch.
Climate Resilience Hubs Pilot Program
The Santa Barbara County Regional Climate Collaborative (Collaborative) has selected three sites to pilot as a part of the Resilience Hubs program. A resilience hub is a community-serving facility that can coordinate resource distribution and services before, during and/or after a natural hazard event.
Fire Safe Council Staff and Capacity
The Santa Barbara County Fire Safe Council has been an entirely volunteer-run organization without paid staff up until now, but the SBC FSC is now the recipient of significant grant funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation via a new project called the Regional Wildfire Mitigation Program (RWMP).
Carpinteria Summerland Fire Protection District
In June 2021, the Carpinteria Summerland Fire Protection District received funding from the State Coastal Conservancy to conduct a multi-pronged fuels reduction treatment program…
Developing Indigenous Burning Guidelines
Prescribed fire can help reduce fuel loads in key areas that are safe to burn and where there has been a dearth of fire in the past.
Volunteer Mobilization, Organizing and Coordination Capacity
The scope and scale of wildfires and related disasters like the 2017 Thomas Fire and the subsequent January 9th Debris Flow create an overwhelming need for community response and support in a wide variety of ways…
Neighborhood Organizing for Fire Resilience
The first line of preparedness and response to the threat or reality of wildfires begins in the neighborhood. Although the County and law enforcement have systems in place to communicate, there is no substitute…
Tepusquet Canyon Vegetation Management Project
Tepusquet Canyon includes underserved communities and low income migrant workers, making this a high priority area from an equity perspective.
Prescribed Grazing: Develop a Countywide Plan
Prescribed grazing (also known as prescribed herbivory) enables fuel treatment in sloped and difficult to access areas where other vegetation management options are challenging or impractical.