Parma Park Hazardous Fuels Mitigation Project

Parma Park is a City of Santa Barbara owned 200-acre open space park located within the extreme foothill zone of the high fire hazard area. The park is composed of twelve different vegetation communities. The native bigpod ceanothus chaparral community makes up a majority of the park space, followed by the coast live oak woodland and forest community. 

Planned Work

Crews will be targeting invasive species and deadwood to reduce fuel loads in the park through weed whipping, hand cutting, hand pulling, chainsaw work, chipping, flattening, raking, and shoveling. Crews will be assisting with annual defensible space work, preparation for native habitat restoration, and pruning of the historic olive grove within Parma Park. Targeted invasive species include bristly ox-tongue, acacia, canary island date palm, non-native annual grasses, eucalyptus, Peruvian pepper, olive, onionweed, cape ivy, French broom, thoroughwort, cotoneaster, euphorbia, and milk thistle.

Crews will also focus on removing vegetation from trails, also known as trail brushing, to maintain clear site access for emergency crews and vehicles in the event of a fire.

Status: Completed

Cost: Medium

Partners: City of Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation

Permitting: None

Funding Sources: California State Coastal Conservancy


City of Santa Barbara Wildfire Resiliency Project


Honda Valley Park Vegetation Management