Countywide Evacuation Route Assessment
Undertake a comprehensive evacuation study countywide across all jurisdictions to review existing evacuation routes for potential improvements. This has been done for smaller areas like portions of Mission Canyon…
Firefighting Infrastructure Needs Assessment
This project would refine our understanding of countywide needs for additional wildfire infrastructure (station upgrades, engines, safe areas, crews) building on the City Gate report that documented SBCFD infrastructure needs…
Wildfire Literacy Education: Support for Burn Cycle Project Santa Barbara based artist Ethan Turpin is poised to expand his high impact education efforts
There is a great need to keep the community interested and engaged about the risk of fire before another major event occurs. Social awareness regarding fire is generally at a high level of engagement immediately after a fire event…
Restoration with a Fire Resilience Focus: Mapping and Removal of Invasive and Non-native Species that Exacerbate Fire Risk
The restoration recommendations detailed in other restoration items in the Regional Priority Plan would also require the removal of invasive and non-native species from other high priority areas in the WUI.
Prescribed Grazing: Develop a Countywide Plan
Prescribed grazing (also known as prescribed herbivory) enables fuel treatment in sloped and difficult to access areas where other vegetation management options are challenging or impractical.