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Undertake a comprehensive evacuation study countywide across all jurisdictions to review existing evacuation routes for potential improvements. This has been done for smaller areas like portions of Mission Canyon, and Montecito Fire Protection District released a Request For Proposals to do such a study there. Doing this effectively requires running simulations for various evacuation events across jurisdictions and undertaking a regional transportation study that analyzes current evacuation routes, their capacity and opportunities for structural improvements. Thus far, Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) in the county do not address this issue adequately with specific analyses, so this kind of countywide assessment can facilitate the integration of the results into each CWPP and CWPP update.

Status: Recommended

Cost: High


Permitting: None

Funding Sources:

Additional Notes: Private Public Partnership or private consulting contractors


Countywide Fine Resolution LIDAR Data


Firefighting Infrastructure Needs Assessment