Researching Flammability Traits of Common SoCal Native Plants - The Fire Wise Project

The Fire Wise Project is a collaborative effort among multiple agencies and institutions in the Santa Barbara area, including UCSB, Westmont College, and the SB Botanic Garden. A team of experts and students are engaged in research to develop a standardized protocol for identifying flammability risks of common southern CA native plants. Their ultimate goal is to create a robust, accessible database for land managers, restoration specialists, and private landowners. Westmont students in an undergraduate summer research program recently spent ten weeks collecting data on plant traits that are associated with flammability and fire risk (plant structure, leaf area, moisture content, etc.). Concurrently, UCSB Bren School of Environmental Science and Management students and the Moritz Lab have been designing and testing flammability chambers to enable rigorous assessment of fire risk from different plant species. Ultimately, the goal of the project is to optimize each of these methods so that meaningful correlations can be drawn between plant traits and fire risk, thus significantly improving the ability to recommend specific plant species to project managers in high-risk zones.

Status: In Progress (Partially funded, needs additional support.)

Cost: Low

Partners: Santa Barbara County Fire Department, Westmont College, SB Botanic Garden, UCSB Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, Regional Wildfire Mitigation Program

Permitting: None

Funding Sources: UCSB Coastal Fund, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Cal Fire


Fire Fuel Management at Arroyo Hondo Preserve


Interactive Partner Directory: Santa Barbara County Wildfire Resilience Players