Library of Santa Barbara County Fire Resources, Literature, & Studies
During the RPP outreach efforts we shared a worldwide literature search produced by partners for the community of Paradise after the devastating Campfire (see link below). Local fire personnel suggested a collaborative effort amongst fire agencies, community based groups, environmental advocates and other interested parties to identify, collect, summarize and create a shared directory of resources, literature, studies and materials relevant to our countywide effort to mitigate the risk of wildfires to the community and our ecosystems, build community resilience to the impacts of wildfire, and learn to live with and manage wildfire as an integral part of our region. Implementing this project to address the need for a local fire resource library will extend the collaborative work started in the RPP and enable us to connect with a wide range of specialists to elevate relevant resources and studies. The USFS has been developing a similar concept that is embedded in the Risk Management Assistance Dashboard available via this link: click here.
To view the Paradise Literature Review, click here.
Status: Seeking Funding
Cost: Low
Partners: Santa Barbara Fire Safe Council
Permitting: None
Funding Sources:
Additional Notes: This project could be undertaken by an intern with supervision from the Fire Safe Council.