Coordinated Effort to Implement Recommended Actions in Existing CWPPs
Community Wildfire Protection Planning is a structured process that helps communities assess their preparedness for wildfires, identify priority actions and secure policy guidance from their elected leaders so that fire protection agencies can then plan, permit and pursue funding to implement those priorities. Having a CWPP in place can open up funding opportunities that are otherwise unavailable. Some areas of Santa Barbara County have prepared Community Wildfire Protection Plans, but they have not implemented all the recommended actions for a variety of reasons. We recommend coordinating with the stakeholders and teams who worked together to develop the existing CWPPs to identify the barriers they have encountered to implementing the recommended mitigation actions including staff capacity, funding, permitting or other issues. Understanding these barriers will have multiple benefits, including helping create better CWPPs in the future and increasing implementation to identified priority actions.
Status: Conceptual
Cost: Low
Permitting: None
Funding Sources: Grants to be obtained through the FSC, Coastal Conservancy, City of Goleta, Department of Conservation
Additional Notes: Collaboration facilitation required across multiple jurisdictions.