Community Supported Grazing Summit

Host a series of convenings or summits to develop a framework for a community supported grazing program. Summit should be attended by stakeholders from the following constituencies: contract grazers, Fire Safe Councils, Fire Departments (SBC, VC), CEC, LWG, Conservaton Organizations, Fire Ecologists to generate a grazing program framework. The framework, among others, should address potential fuel reduction goals, ecological considerations/goals for grazing, methods for achieving economies of scale, ways that partners can collaborate are regional level projects and goals, potential funding mechanisms, project prioritization and landowner subsidy criteria.

Status: Funded, in progress. First summit held to develop initial framework

Cost: Low

Partners: Ojai Fire Safe Council, Shepherdess Land and Livestock, Community Environmental Council

Permitting: None

Funding Sources: Ojai Fire Safe Council


Regional Capacity for Lompoc for Resilience Projects


Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (TREX)