Actively fostering partnership and collaboration to create a more climate-resilient
and fire-adapted
Santa Barbara County
Being fire adapted means that we as a community take actions that help us live with wildfire.
What We Do
The collaborative seeks to protect and enhance communities, natural resources and habitats by building capacity, strengthening and expanding wildfire preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery
Who We Are
The Santa Barbara County Wildfire Resilience Collaborative is a multi-stakeholder collaborative network working to create a more fire adapted community.
Get Involved
Browse current projects, submit your own, or contact us for more information – every action strengthens our communities.

“If we implement the projects in the RPP [Regional Priority Plan] over the next ten years we’ll be 90 percent of the way to building resilience to wildfire. Most of these projects are going to be done by non-government players, and the County needs to do everything we can to help. The end result will be a more resilient natural environment and a safer community.”
Wildfire Resilience Projects
In Progress
Project Areas
Together with community and partners, the Wildfire Resilience Collaborative continues to identify, track and implement priority projects that will help us mitigate fire risk, strengthen ecological health, build community capacity and increase wildfire and climate resilience while helping us become more fire adapted.
Identifying Critical Projects
There isn’t one silver bullet or one agency or organization that can help us be more climate resilient and fire adapted; there are many tools that, when used together and strategically, reduce wildfire risk and increase wildfire and climate resilience. It is the responsibility of everyone who lives and works in the community. Fire adaptation happens when local multi-jurisdictional stakeholders work together to identify risk, mitigate it through multiple channels, and maintain the work over time.